Help for Parents and Grandparents
Looking After Yourself, Co-parenting & Life Between 2 homes
Organising living arrangements is a crucial but sometimes difficult part of separating. Our mediator can help both parents come up with a solution that suits everyone.
You can also find lots of helpful information here:
Parenting Plan: A parenting plan is a helpful way to clearly outline the agreed-upon arrangements and actions that will best support your child’s needs.
How to Plan your Child’s Time after Separation: It is crucial to plan a child’s time fairly after separation to ensure their emotional well-being and stability.
Disputes over where you’re going to live: Know you’re rights to the family home if you and your partner have seperated
Being able to spend time with both parents is important, making plans ahead of time for holidays and activities can prevent arguements. Talk to your mediatior about your wishes for holidays and how to share time with the chlidren in your appointment.
You can also find lots of helpful information here:
Advice for Splitting holidays and Special Days: Separated parents have a variety of options for dividing school holidays and special occasions such as religious holidays, bank holidays, teacher training days, and birthdays.
Holidays for Separated Parents: The school holidays can be challenging for parents, especially those co-parenting.
Get Permission to take Child on Holiday: It’s important to follow the law carefully when taking your child on holiday.
Separation is hard on everyone, and sometimes it’s hard to focus on both the practicalities and processing your emotions.
You can also find lots of helpful information here:
Top Tips for Parenting Apart: Read these top tips on how to manage co-parenting during a separation.
Disagreeing about Splitting Up: Disagreements about the timing of a relationship’s end are common. Find out how you and your partner can make the right decision.
Tips for Separated Parenting: Parent apart can be tough, and might leave you with a lot of questions about how best to approach co-parenting.
There are resources out there who can help you or someone you know be kept safe from domestic abuse.
Refuge: Refuge can support you if you are experiencing domestic abuse, whether you are still in the relationship or not.
Harbour: Harbour works with families and individuals who are affected by abuse from a partner, former partner or other family member.
Men’s Advice Line: A helpline that supports male survivors of domestic abuse
We offer mediation services to grandparents wanting access to their grandchildren.
You can also find lots of helpful information here:
Grandchild and Parents Divorce: Find out what legal rights grandparents have to see their grandchildren, and their role in childcare arrangements.
Grandparents Rights in Care Proceedings: Learn more about how grandparents can be a part of care proceedings.
Helping with Childcare: Grandparents can be a key part of childcare arrangements, and organisation is vital.
Separating from your partner is stressful. The emotional hurt as well as the exhausting task of beginning to divide up your lives can make everyday tasks seem unmanageable.
It is important that during this difficult period you take the time to take care of yourself.
- Exercise! Whether its a walk outside or joining a new class, keeping active has huge positive impacts on your mental well-being.
- Ask for help from your support system. This is a time to take up that offer of support from friends and family
- If there are children involved, it's important to keep the same daily routine, that will help family members feel more in control and supported.
Speak to your Mediator about how you are feeling during the separation and worries you have going forward.