What is a C100?
You need a signed C100 form if you’re going to court for issues related to your child. This form is essentially asking the court to decide things about your child’s living arrangements, time with parents, and more. It’s officially called “Application to the courts under section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a child arrangement, prohibited steps, specific issue order or to vary or discharge or ask permission to make a section 8 order”.
In simpler words, if you can’t agree with your ex-partner about things like when your child spends time with each parent, you can ask the court to help. It can also be used to stop one parent from doing something that might not be good for the child, like leaving the country. If you need the court to decide about things like medical choices or school, you can use this form too. You can even change or cancel an existing court decision with it.
What information do I need to write on the C100 form?
Mostly, people fill out the C100 form when they can’t agree on childcare arrangements. You need to explain to the court why you’re applying. When you’re completing the C100 form, it’s important to give detailed information, especially about the other person involved, so that it’s easy to get in touch with them if needed. It’s helpful to provide specific info about the things you’re asking for, like how you want to stay in touch. But you don’t have to give a long history of everything right now. That will come later in the process. Before the Family Court looks at your application, they want you to try talking with the other parent to work things out. The hope is that you won’t need to go to court after talking.
Do I still need to go to mediation to receive my C100?
Mediation is a voluntary process however the court want you to find out about mediation first before you can make an application. To do this, you’ll have a meeting called Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting (MIAM). You can do this face-to-face or online using apps like Zoom. It takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. After the MIAM, you and the mediator will decide if you should try talking with your ex-partner to solve things without court. If not, the C100 form will be signed so you can continue with your court application.
If you need to arrange for a MIAM, you can contact us on 01429 891444 or email us at admin@changingfuturesne.co.uk.